Filter Preventative Maintenance Program

Universal Air Filter (UAF), a Filtration Group Company, is the leading OEM source of NEBS filters for rack-mounted telecommunications equipment in Central Office, outdoor cabinet (Edge) and cell sites.  As a part of Filtration Group, we offer complete solutions that are custom tailored to the needs of your company!

Why is filter preventative maintenance (PM) important? Critical network equipment utilizes air filtration to prevent overheating, costly outages, circuit card damage, fan failures and power supply issues. Proper filter maintenance also maintains NEBS standards for fire protection as well as protecting equipment manufacturer warranties. As energy consumption becomes an increasing operating expense, maintaining proper equipment and facility operating temperatures through filtration drives energy efficiency for the end customer.

What solutions does UAF offer?

Everything starts at the Site Survey level. Our experienced technicians complete full equipment audits, creating a detailed cross reference tool for every filter down to the RR and chassis. This allows us to custom package and strategically ship filter orders by site, complete with equipment labels on the filters themselves.

Electronics Air Filters Before and After Maintenance Services

Tier 1: Site Survey & Custom Quoting

  1. A UAF trained filter technician completes a site walk of your offices to create a detailed inventory of each filter needed
  2. Data includes the OEM, model, rack location, filter quantity, part #’s and pricing.
  3. A copy of the Site Survey is provided to the customer to be used as a living document that can be revised as future equipment inventories change
  4. Custom labeling, packaging, and shipping by region
  5. Personal sales manager assigned to assist you with future orders based on your desired replacement schedule

Tier 2: Assisted Network Filter Changes

  1. Includes all Tier 1
  2. A UAF trained filter technician comes on-site to stage filters within headend for replacement
  3. Includes in-person customer support for locating, removing, and replacing filters in all variety of OEMs, models, and chassis

Tier 3: Turn-Key Filter Service

  1. Includes services listed in Tiers 1 & 2
  2. MOPs for all critical maintenance
  3. A UAF trained technician completes the filter changes for you
  4. Disposal of used/dirty filters
  5. Post-installation report and re-survey of filter inventory to aid with future orders and/or installation
Products/Service IncludedTier 1 – Filter Supplier of ChoiceTier 2 – Training by UAF’s ExpertsTier 3: Turn Key Preventative Maintenance Services
Site Survey by an Equipment Filter ExpertXXX
Complete Site Survey Template supplied with OEM, Model, Rack Location, Filter Quantity, Part #, PricingXXX
Custom labeling, packaging, and shippingXXX
Exclusive sales manager for world class supportXXX
On-site training and changeout with Equipment Filter ExpertXX
In-person support for locating, removing, and replacing filtersXX
MOPs for all critical maintenanceX
Complete filter changeout service performed by an Equipment Filter Expert on a scheduleX
Disposal of dirty/used filtersX
Post installation report and re-survey for any new equipment, recommendations for best-in-class preventative maintenanceX

Why UAF?  UAF has a dedicated team to complete these services across our customers’ total network. We use local technicians to drive efficiencies and pass savings along to our customers. We are the industry’s leading filter manufacturers for major telecom OEMs. Our American based manufacturing in Sauget, IL supports the needs of OEMs as well as Telecom end users of filters. We offer 100% of filters needed due to our dedicated engineering team, and ability to reverse engineer and retrofit any filter not currently in our database.  We can customize our offered services to meet your needs.

Request a site survey or buy your needed replacement filters now!